
Evaluation > Teacher resources


EA: Book 3 Midway Progress Lesson

Chapter 7: Going out Role-play:
Role-play:  Customer A, Customer B, Waiter

A: So how have you been?
B: I’ve been great, thanks. How about you?
A: Good. I’ve had a week off work actually
B: Oh Yeah? Have you been enjoying the weather?
A: Yep. I’ve been sitting out in the garden a lot.
B: Wonderful. We took the kids to the zoo on Saturday.
A: Nice! Oh, here comes the waiter.


W: Welcome to Fernando’s. Are you ready to order?
A: Yes, we’d both like the Chicken Caesar Salad, please.
W: That’s two Caesars. And what would you like to drink?
A: We’d like a bottle of the Chardonnay and two glasses.
W. Excellent. Is that everything? Yes, thank you.


A: Excuse me
W: Yes
A: I’m afraid there’s a problem with our order.
W: Oh, I’m sorry
A: The chicken in this salad has not been cooked properly. It’s still a little pink!
W: I’m so terribly sorry about that, madam.
A: Would you please bring us another one.
W. Absolutely. My apologies, again. Just one moment please.

Chapter 8: Transportation Interview:

A: I’d like to ask you how often you commute.
B: I commute to work daily, actually.
A: And how do you travel?
B: I travel by train.
A: How long is the journey?
B: It takes 40 minutes or so
A: Do you need to change lines?
B: No, it’s a direct journey with no transfers.
A: That’s convenient. What time does the train leave?
B: The train I catch actually departs every 15 minutes.
A: And do you enjoy the journey?

Chapter 9: My country Speech:

“Japan is an island country in east Asia. It has a temperate climate and four distinct seasons. It’s a country with a unique culture and lots of things to see and do. Traditionally, Japan is famous for its food, sake -- that’s Japanese rice wine -- and it’s hot springs called “onsen.”  In the spring, people often wear robes called “kimonos” and enjoy the cherry blossoms. Sakura petals are a symbol of Japan. Karate and judo are also traditional pastimes. By contrast, modern Japan is famous for its manga magazines, video games, and noisy “Pachinko” parlours!”

Chapter 10: Health Role-play:

Role-play: Patient / Doctor

D: Please come in.
P: Thank you doctor.
D: Nice to see you. So, what can I help you with today?
P: I’m feeling quite sick, I’m afraid.
D: What symptoms do you have?
P: Well, I have a sore throat.
D: I see. Do you have any flu-like symptoms?
P: No, actually. Just a painful throat.
D: Can you open your mouth and say “aah”, please?
P: Aah.
D: Oh yes, I can see.
P: What’s the problem, doctor?
D: My diagnosis is that you have a throat infection. It’s nothing serious, but I am going to prescribe you some medicine today.
P: I see.
D: Please take this prescription to your pharmacy. You need to take two tablets with breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
P: I understand. Thank you, doctor.