Rosetta Stone advantage: Elementary - Book 3 - Lesson 43


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Communicative lesson goal

By the end of the lesson, the student should be able to describe something they want to buy.

Communication strategies:
The student should be able to describe something they want to buy by following the 4 steps below:
1) ask for assistance
2) describe the product they want
3) ask follow up questions e.g. size / price / testing
4) purchase the item
A) Excuse me.
B) Hello. How can I help you?
A) I'm looking for a new smartphone that has a big screen and lots of memory.
B) OK. I recommend this smartphone. This smartphone is very popular. It has a great battery and a very big screen. If you buy this smartphone, you'll be able to really enjoy watching movies thanks to its amazing screen.
A) It looks great. How much is it?
B) $600 outright.
A) Great. I'll take it.

Words and rules:
- The student should be able to name some basic products they are interested in e.g. a TV / a PC
- The student should be able to use relative clauses with "that" e.g. I want a phone that has a big screen.
- The student should be able to use prepositional clauses with "with" e.g. I want a phone with a big screen.
- The student should be able to express benefits e.g. If you buy this PC, you'll be able to play all the latest games.

Non-verbal behaviour: NA
Register: When talking to staff we usually use a more polite register.
Social rules: NA
Cultural references: NA

Audio script

Track #46
Where can I find an electric guitar? I’m looking for one that I can connect to my computer.

Track #47
Hi, I’m thinking about getting a new suit. I’d like one that has lots of pockets. This one is nice. Do you have it in blue?

Track #48
Excuse me. I’m looking for an aquarium. I want a bigger size than my current one. Do you have a big one that is self-cleaning?

Extra vocabulary

Because the lesson touches on the topic of electronics, you are welcome to introduce some of the following vocabulary if you like.

1) a microwave (n)
2) a blender (n)
3) a washing machine (n)
4) a hair dryer (n)
5) a kettle (n)
6) a fridge (n)
7) a vacuum cleaner (n)
8) a toaster (n)
9) a dish washer (n)
10) a rice cooker (n)

Extra activities

Option 1:
Difficulty ★★
Type: Let's start - Warm-up discussion
Purpose: Steering the student into the goal of the lesson before opening the book.
Method: Before you open the book, talk to the student about some things they have bought recently. Make a list of their top 5 recent purchases.

Option 2:
Difficulty ★★★
Type: Let's practice - Grammar practice
Purpose: Practicing how to use relative clauses
Method: Play a game. Partner one has to describe a device using a relative clause. Partner one can't say the name of the device. Partner two has to guess what it is.
A) This is a small device that you use to play games. It has two screens. It is very popular.
B) Is it a 3DS?
A) Yes.

Option 3:
Type: Let's practice - Grammar practice
Purpose: Practicing how to answer "which" vs "what kind" questions
Method: Teach the student that when someone asks "What kind of" questions, we usually answer with "a".
e.g. What kind of TV would you like? I'd like a TV with a big screen.
Teach the student that when someone asks "which" questions, we usually answer with "the" or "this / that".
e.g. Which TV do you like? I like the big one. / I like that one.

Option 4:
Difficulty ★★
Type: Let's practice - Grammar practice
Purpose: Practicing how to subject pronouns and demonstrative pronouns.
Method: Teach the student that we use "this/that" when we refer to something for the first time. e.g. I like this PC.
Teacher the student that we use "it" when we refer to something for the second time e.g. How much is it?

Option 5:
Difficulty ★★
Type: Let's practice - Grammar practice
Purpose: Practicing how to singular and plural grammar.
Method: Teach the student that when we want to buy one thing e.g. a TV, we use singular grammar (It / it / is / a / this / that)
Teach the student that when we want to buy two things e.g. shoes, we use plural grammar (they / them / are / s / these / those)


Let’s start
Top left: a sweater
Top middle: a smartphone
Top right: a fishing pole
Middle left: a pair of rain boots
Middle middle: a vacuum cleaner
Middle right: an aquarium
Bottom left: a pair of headphone
Bottom middle: a watch
Bottom right: a projector

Let’s try
Track #46
He wants an electric guitar that he can connect to his computer.

Track #47
He'd like a suit in blue that has lots of pockets.

Track #48
He wants a self-cleaning aquarium that is bigger than his current one.

Let’s practice
refrigerator / includes ice maker / store food for a long time, energy efficient, cool design•

Expected outcome
A) Hello. I'm looking for a fridge that includes an ice maker.
B) Sure. Let me show you what we have. This is our best model. Is has an ice maker. Also, you can store food for a long time, it's very efficient and it has a cool design.
A) Great. How much is it?
B) $800
A) I'll take it.

Let’s speak
You just won the lottery so now you’re going on a shopping spree. Go into your favorite store. Describe at least three items you want to buy. Listen to the sales staff’s recommendations. Then buy the products you want.

A) Hello. Welcome to ABC Store. Can I help you?
B) Yes. I'm looking for a new TV.
A) What kind of TV would you like?
B) I'm looking for a TV that has 4K.
A) OK. Let me show you what we have. These three TVs are all 4K. Which one do you like?
B) I like the one in the middle. How much is it?
A) It's $1200. OK great. I'll take it. Also, I'm looking for...